Children's Services
Occupational Therapy supporting your child
to reach their fullest potential.
Funding Options
Autism Funding Programs:
The Minsitry of Children and Family Development offers the Autism Funding Programs to financially assist families with accessing therapy, for children up to age 18.
To learn about this finanical support please see their website at: www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/autism/funding_programs.htm
At Home Program:
The Ministry of Children and Family Development offers financial support for therapy for children and youth assessed to be dependent on a caregiver in 3+ functional activities of daily living (eating, dressing, toileting and washing).
To learn about this financial support and to apply please see their website at: www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/at_home/index.htm
Extended Health Benefits:
Occupational Therapy is commonly covered in comprehensive extended health care benefit packages offered by employers, which can be used for children. Please review your policy to determine the details of coverage.
Fee for Service
For families who may not meet funding eligibility, out of pocket payment is accepted.